Date and Time
Thursday Oct 7, 2021
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Thursday, October 7, 2021
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
10:30 AM - 12 PM
We will manage registration in 2 groups. Attendees will have an opportunity to arrive at 9 AM or 10:30 AM. This will reduce the # of attendees onsite at one time.
522 N Howard Ave, Tampa, FL 33606
Tickets are $50 per TBBA member
This event is reserved for TBBA members only. Please join the TBBA in order to participate:
Contact Information
Lauren Morgan, Membership Director
Send Email
This is your chance to meet Tampa's most active Builders!
"Meet the Builder" is a reverse tradeshow connecting active builders with available subcontractors, suppliers
and industry professionals.
Confirmed Builders as of 10/6/2021
Adams Homes
Alair Homes South Tampa
American Housing Builders
AMH Development, LLC
Arjen Homes
Avalon Park/Avex Homes
Barritz Builders, LLC
Bayshore Custom Homes
BB Living
Bettr Homes, LLC
Biscayne Homes
Cardel Homes
Carolina Conner Construction
Carpenter Homes
Century Complete Homes
Coastal Pointe Homes
Danva Home Improvement
David Weekley Homes
Diamond Built
Domain Homes
DR Horton
Dream Finders Homes
Elaine Custom Homes
GL Homes
Greaves Construction
Habitat for Humanity - Hillsborough
Habitat for Humanity - Pasco
Highland Homes
Homes by Artisan
Homes by WestBay
ICI Homes
KHP Homes
M Ryan Homes
M/I Homes
Maronda Homes
Middle Bay Homes
Neal Communities
Neo Homes
New Legacy Homes
Onyx + East
Park Square Homes
Pulte Homes
RDK Development
Rebuilding Together
Rotunda Homes
Ryan Homes
Smith Custom Homes
Starling Homes
Summit Bay Construction
Sunrise Homes
Taylor Morrison
Toll Brothers
Safety Measures & Details
- The event will be indoors at the Bryan Glazer Family JCC.
- We will manage registration in 2 groups. Attendees will have an opportunity to arrive at 9 AM or 10:30 AM. This will reduce the # of attendees onsite at one time.
- Hand sanitizer at entrance
- Face masks are required per venue.
- If you have fever, cough, shortness of breath OR think you may have been exposed to someone with Covid-19, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND.
***Must be an active member of the TBBA to attend. Please contact Lauren Morgan, Membership Director at 813-571-8222 or for more information. To join online, please visit