Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
About Us
Serving, Leading, Solving
Our philosophy is engrained in everything we do to make tomorrow better than today for our clients-partners and the communities we are in. Individuals and companies, when asked to describe themselves, invariably talk about what they do or the things they produce. Our actions are really just the by-products of who we are. At most, they are labels, oversimplifying the truths that lie at the heart of our identities. While this may sound simplistic, we at BGE consider those truths to be as fundamental as the services we provide.
These truths, our core values, define and direct everything we do. Integrity, Commitment, Respect and Excellence of Reputation set the standards for how we conduct ourselves. Ultimately, what distinguishes BGE is not what we do, but the way we do it. This is The BGE Way.